Lesson # 1, The Church & It’s Authority
Rick Harrison’s Sunday morning Bible class at the Karns church of Christ. Studies regarding the church.
Lesson # 2, The Issue of Authority
The concept of authority is fundamental to the church. Rick Harrison explores the concept of authority as it relates to the church.
Lesson # 3, The Manifold Wisdom Wisdom of God
In this lesson, Rick Harrison examines the manifold wisdom of God that is to be made known through the church in the heavenly places.
Lesson # 4, Mighty Works, Wonders & Signs
In lesson number four, Rick Harrison examines the place and purpose of Jesus’ miracles in the plan of God and the cessation of those miraculous works.
Lesson # 5, The End of Miracles
In this lesson, Rick Harrison talks about the mighty Works wonders and signs of the Bible and how Jesus transferred his authority to speak in the area of law, as well as his authority to perform miracles to his disciples. He will explain their purpose and place in the church and why they no longer exist today.
Lesson # 6, How One Enters the Church
In this lesson, Rick Harrison explores the different terms that describe the church and what is required to enter into the church of the living God. The church is the body of the called out, the kingdom of God, and the body of Christ. But what do these terms mean as they relate to the church? How does one come to be in the church? Finally, what about the destiny of the church and those who belong to it?
Lesson # 7, Local Church Responsibility
In lesson number seven, Rick Harrison reflects on the need to be a member of the local church. Not only should every Christian be identified with the local work in their area, but they have the responsibility of attending church as well. What has the church learned from the pandemic? Is the church destined to repeat the same mistakes?
Lesson #8 Issues Facing the Church
In this lesson, Rick Harrison reflects on the many issues facing the church, whether they be doctrinal or moral. The future of the church is one in which these things need to be forcefully and truthfully defended.
Lesson #9 Religious But Lost—Proper Behavior in the Church
In this lesson, Rick Harrison reflects on behavior in the household of God. He demonstrates that a person can be religious and yet still be lost. Are there those in the church who, though they are religious, will still be lost on the final day? Enjoy this lesson as Rick Harrison explores the biblical teaching on proper behavior in the church of the living God.